set OnKeyDown on input elements in React

Handling events is one of the most important aspects of building apps in React. You need them to build dynamic applications and interactive features of a web application. In today’s article, we will talk about the onKeyDown event – how to set it on elements and how to handle them.

We often use onKeyDown to run a JavaScript function when users press down a key when they have selected an element. In practice, it is often used with <input> elements. On rare occasions, you can also use it on <div>, <span>, and other elements.

How to set onKeyDown on Elements in React

It’s essentially the same as setting any other prop or attribute. You need to set onKeyDown to a JavaScript function. Don’t forget to use curly braces, which allows you to embed JavaScript expressions in React. Don’t set onKeyDown to an expression that calls the function. Instead, set it to the function itself.

In React, event handlers automatically receive instance of SyntheticEvent as an argument. This is an object that contains information about the element and user input. Developers who want to handle onKeyDown event can access the specific key that was pressed down. This is often a very useful feature, because we need to perform a certain action when user presses a certain key. For example, you might want to allow users to submit their input by clicking ‘Enter’. This way, users can provide input without additional hassle. It’s always difficult to get users to provide their feedback. Allowing them to submit by clicking a certain key is a great feature for your UX.

Access specific pressed down key

To access specific key user pressed down, you need to access key property of the SyntheticEvent instance. Then you can use equality operator to make sure user pressed down a certain key. Use an if condition block to check a JavaScript expression. Then write what you need to do in the condition body. SimpleFrontEnd has a good example where they use this feature in practice.

Let’s look at an example:

let handleKeyDown = (e) => { if (e.key == "M") { console.log("User pressed M")} } };

This is a simple callback function that accepts one argument – e , which stands for SyntheticEvent. You can simply access e.key to access the specific key pressed down by user. In this case, we have set up an if condition to check if user pressed the ‘M’ key. If they did, we output corresponding message to the console.

You should set onKeyDown on <input> elements. Whenever user enters something new, onKeyDown will check keys that were pressed down. If any of those keys match the key specified in the condition, then you can run a function. You can also skip the if condition and simply run a function whenever user presses down any key.

You can also save user inputs whenever user presses Enter. Here’s an example where we use onKeyDown to submit input on enter in React.


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